I don’t know if you’ve heard but tea is totally awesome stuff! So pinky up and start chugging because tea does wonders for your health. Now real tea comes from a plant called Camellia sinensis. I say “real tea” because there are actually only four types of tea. They are green, black, white, and oolong. These have unique antioxidants called flavonoids. Anything else is just an infusion of a different plant/flavor.
To some you could definitely say that tea is considered coffee’s ugly step-sister. However too much caffeine can cause our blood pressure to rise, health aliments now that’s ugly. As a reminder some teas do have caffeine! So too much of anything really isn’t good. In the past we have heard glowing reviews on green and black tea but take a peak at a few of the other teas listed in the info graphic above. To find out more about the benefits keep calm and read on.
Tea can boost endurance
We’re heard this time and time again, green tea helps aid in weight loss. Reason being is because the antioxidants in green tea increase the body’s ability to burn fat.
Tea helps fight free radicals
Now you might be saying, “But dear Jodi, oh what on earth is a free radical?” Well dear reader a free radical is used to describe a damaged cell that may cause problems in the long run. The “free” part comes purely from the fact that they are missing a critical molecule which causes them to frantically seek another molecule. The problem here is that free radicals often injure the cell damaging the DNA, from there a whole can of worms has been opened. Disease runs rampant and your arm falls off, okay not the last bit, but it can get pretty serious and because free radicals are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink it’s important to help our body’s natural free radical defense system. These subtle attacks on our body may lead to more serious problems such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Antioxidants act as free radical super heroes as they repair the damage done by free radicals.
Different Tea Types
- Green tea is made with steamed tea leaves. The antioxidants may burn fat, prevent clogging of the arteries and reduce the risk of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Green tea may also reduce the risk of stroke, and improve your cholesterol.
- White tea is unfermented. Studies show that white tea has the most potent anticancer properties when compared to processed teas.
- Oolong tea is made from the leaves, buds and stems of the Camellia sinensis plant. Wuyi which is a variation of oolong tea is known as a weight loss supplement. Oolong tea is partially fermented, black tea is fully fermented, and green tea is unfermented. Oolong tea has been known to sharpen thinking skills and improve mental alertness as well as boost the immune system.
- Black tea is made with fermented tea leaves, it just so happens that black tea has the highest caffeine content and is also the base for many instant teas and other flavors such as chai. Black tea reduces the risk of stroke as well as protects our lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke.
If you’re following me on instagram (@jodikayedwards) you’ve seen the last two pictures before. I just can’t get enough tea! Add some fun to your tea with the tea infusers below. Use the hashtag #teafix and share your tea pictures! Save the free info graphic above to your desktop for a quick tea reference. Tea drinkers unite!
How awesome is this little guy, he just hangs out on the side of your cup and will infuse your tea for you.
Fred and Friends MISTER TEA Silicone Tea Infuser
I actually received this one as a white elephant gift, I’ve named her Barbara the ManaTEA. So clever I know.
Silicone Manatee Diffuser/Infuser Loose Tea Leaf Filter
I’m such a tea lover too! All kinds, but I would say herbal and rooibos are my faves. And I probably drink way too much everyday! But its better than coffee 🙂
xo, Jackie
Seriously sooo good! Thanks for reading! 🙂