green bay


“I saw my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted” If you could do/be anything today what would you be? Also, why aren’t you doing that? That’s the funny thing about life. We dream but stay dreaming. Think about the life you want for yourself and create it….

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Blanket scarves are so perfect for the weather right now! If you get too hot you can take it off, if you need a little warming up your can throw one on. It’s a great quick and easy way to add a bit of chic to any outfit. There are so many great ways to…

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The 90’s PT 3

I received this applique jacket from RoseGal. I was really excited to wear it and I think it still looks great BUT it has one major flaw! The button holes aren’t cut. I’ve never received a bad clothing item from these types of websites before but I was kinda bummed that this jacket wasn’t usable, the…

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