There’s always something invigorating about the New Year. I’m not sure if it’s the liberating sigh from the relief of the holidays or just the promise of new beginnings. Either way, I am so down. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching recently and I’m really happy with what I’m finding.
I have some exciting projects coming up this year and I’m excited to share more lifestyle tips with everyone. I want to take Lifestyle Finesse to a whole new level so that people can really grasp the meaning behind the name. I’m happy to see that the blog is getting more traction, I’m still astonished that my corner of the internet gets so many daily views.
In lieu of what was said earlier I want to help more people create and live a life that they love, much like what I’ve been doing over the years. I want to keep sharing and giving back because I’ve been miserable and it’s no fun. You deserve happiness we all do.
For more tips like the one shared below [delivered straight to your inbox] sign up for my newsletter! These are tips that you can start applying to your everyday life [and business if you have one]. Life get’s tricky so live it with finesse.
Finesse: Skillfull handeling, to get more out of a situation, to handle difficult situations with diplomacy and tact.
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So here we go! Happy 2017 and here’s to a better lifestyle!
3 Mindset Shifts for 2017
1.Goals vs. Systems
- Making goals is something we all do often, but how often do we make a system to reach those goals. This year make more systems instead of goals. If you want to become a better daughter, friend, dancer, writer, blogger [insert your reason here] make sure you are making a system to go along with it. ie. I want to create a business that brings in six figures (hello what entrepreneur doesn’t!) I will do this by, creating a better marketing strategy, taking a course, manage my time better etc. Essentially you want to break down your goals into smaller more attainable strategies.
2. Stop Procrastinating
- Create a system, execute and make some moves. I get it, some of us are perfectionist and we would rather do nothing that do something. That comes along with a million and one reasons such as, I don’t have the time, money or resources. I’ll start next week, next month, next year. I don’t know how to do this so I’ll wait until I’m an expert. I’m scared of failure, I’m this and I’m that. Stop it. *friendship slap* There is literally no better time than now, forget the excuses and focus on the reasons why you put that on your to-do list in the first place.
3. Invest in Yourself
- Don’t be afraid to spend a little to get a lot. Spend a little bit of time to learn something new. Those skills can take you so far. You can take what you learned and turn it into something else, maybe even something profitable. More often than not what you end up paying for creates a new value in your life. Heck you don’t even always have to pay for something! Pick up a book, skim the web, talk to people and network. Allow yourself that time to better yourself.
Shop a similar look below!
These pictures are gorgeous! I love your outfit, and you have some really good mindsets for 2017!
❤️ Leani
Thanks so much for reaching Leani!
No problem! I love reading your posts!
Great post and tips! I wish you all the best for this new year!
Procastinating is always there every year, even if we don’t want to x)
Interesting advices. I’m trying to improve my English and Spanish skills, and start learning Russian and Italian ! 🙂
Very inspiring girl!!! I’ll take it to action
These are wonderful lifestyle tips! I adore your coat!
You look so chic! Love that coat! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
I love this post. You are so right with everything you have just said. Investing in
yourself is so important and you totally need to do it. It can really help so much.
Loving your hairstyle dear, it is so cute.
Love your goals (investing in yourself is so important!) and you look so chic too!
xoxo, Vanessa
Love love love the brown and black color combination you’ve got going on here! And your fro is so poppin boo!!
Great mindset to start off the new year!!
<3 <3
So FLAWLESS darling. Happy Wednesday!
Much love, Len
Love this post! Investing in yourself is so important!
Bella x
Thanks for the great tips, I agree in being proactive to achieve your dreams. Love your camel coat.
This is such a wonderful, inspiring post, girl! That’s awesome that you have such a passion for wanting to help and see others succeed. These steps are all very much needed in order to see desired results and though we may struggle with some of them (hello, procrastination!) it’s essential that we push through. Thanks so much for sharing, beauty, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Your looking super cool babe
Filipa xxx | Instagram
love this look! xx