A little self care tip! Today I want to talk to you about the importance of a smooth shave! There are common mistakes we all make when it comes to shaving and I want to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes I did for years. I have dark skin and with that comes even darker follicles, so getting a clean shave is important for me in order to reduce the appearance of unwanted hair and spots. Putting this in perspective, taking the time for a good clean shave is part of my self care routine. When I finally get around to it doing it right makes me feel phenomenal.

One of the mistakes people often make is not prepping. During the colder months especially a dry shave is never a good idea. I’ve experience dry itchy skin for days from failing to prep my skin for a good close shave. A good tip is to use hot water to open up the pores. The steam will soften your hair and allow for easy removal when it’s time to shave that unwanted body hair off. You don’t always have to be in the shower for this.

An interesting thing to think about is your hair pattern. What? If you look closely at your leg hair, you can see that it follows a certain pattern, seriously look down right now, it grows a certain way right? When shaving, your razor should follow the way your hair is growing. If you’re the kind of person who likes to shave everyday (*sits down, not this girl) you want to make sure that you’re not irritating your skin by shaving against dead skin cells. This is important when trying to achieve a nice smooth shave.

This may seem like common sense but be careful especially with new razors. Shaving cream/gel doesn’t always provide the type of protection we hope for, there have been plenty of times where I made this mistake and pressed the blade too firmly against my skin which caused a nick and unwanted scaring. Gliding your razor gently across your skin is the easiest way to get a nice close shave. No need to be extra with it! Slow and steady (and light) wins the race.

This is the most important one. Most of us probably leave our razors in the shower for quick and easy access, however if you think about the constant splashing around of dirt that is happening when you shower (your goal is to get clean right!?) you probably don’t want something that is coming in such close contact with your skin getting so much water exposure and getting rusty. Too often we also use our razors wayyyyyy too long and this often leads to frustration, extra nicks and cuts.

Harry’s suggests changing your razors every 6-8 shaves which is why a subscription service is perfect to ensure you’re getting the highest quality shave. My boyfriend and I both love Harry’s razors the quality and convenience is perfect for our lifestyle. For more detailed info you can visit them >>here<<.

Harrys Razors



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