The wise take advice, the fool leaves it.
We’ve all had our moments of being foolish. There is more than one kind of fool, those who aren’t willing to change their opinion and those who can’t. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve encountered someone who is set in their ways. Someone who won’t even entertain the idea of a different opinion or a different possibility. You’ve probably encountered this yourself whether at school or in your career. Nothing makes a person more foolish than being unwilling to do something.
The best moments in my life were the ones where I took a risk, this was in love and business! When we take chances we are choosing to learn something new, whether that be about ourselves or the thing that we are pursuing. When I was in college our senior capstone was to run a shoe business. My group and I learned quickly that when things were going well we shouldn’t keep the same exact strategy because eventually the market would change and we would lose money. This was something that our professor warned us about. Some groups didn’t listen. They saw that things were going well and didn’t listen so they decided not to make a change. Those were the businesses that went south, while ours, even though we didn’t make a lot still managed to turn a profit with the changes that we made.
I’ll always remember that piece of advice. I didn’t know much about business back then but I was able to take action from what I learned, it was with the help of someone wiser that I was able to learn. I often apply this to different areas of my life and you can too. Are there mentors, coaches, friends or family that you can take advice from. Sometimes it gets annoying when there are too many hands in the pot so to speak, we don’t want to hear from anyone else on how we should take care of our pets, or ride a bike. Most of the times we want to figure things out for ourselves, and while that spark of energy is good to have, it’s also good to know when to know when it’s time take advice and avoid being foolish.
I send out advice every Monday! If you’re looking for a way to build a better life and a better business, this is it! If you’re looking for help on how to build a profitable website you can join my free 8 day email course which is outlined in my welcome email below. 🙂
SIDE NOTE: I was a fool for not having known about PopSockets until 2017. Where has this amazing product been my whole life??? Holding my massive phone is so much easier now. Had to share! You can find more of them here!
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Love this!!!
Thanks for being real and sharing girl. Love your site.
x, S Je M’appelle Chanel
Love the cap on you! Really nice look babe