Consistency is key
We’ve heard it time and time again, but why is it so hard to stay consistent? Life get’s in the way, we forget, we don’t have or make the time. The #1 reason why we can’t stay consistent is because we aren’t making it a priority. Whether you are a creativeprenuer, infopreneur, blogger or small business owner or just a person with goals in general a lack of consistency is the #1 thing that will kill your blog or business before it even gets started.
Remember success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from consistency. There are certain actions that you have to do to get further in your goals whether that be weight loss, your career, your relationships, your side hustle etc. all of that needs consistency to grow. Follow these three tips and you will be on your way to being more consistent in no time.
1.Remember your why
Remember why you started and then you won’t want to quit or take a break. If your end game is big enough you will find the time, energy and reason to keep going
2. Pick your battle
This one is so, so important! I am the queen of multi tasking and I realised that I was able to stay more consistent when I wasn’t trying to lose 10 lbs, meal prep, walk my dog, drink enough water, practice my daily affirmations and build a business. Pick one battle and as soon as you’ve felt confident that you’ve conquered that move on. If it stresses you out to do everything that I just mentioned above do one task consistently before trying to add something else to the mix. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Maybe your battle is waking up early start there and then you can get to the point where you’re waking up at 4:30am to get some work in before the family or sig nif gets up.
3. Schedule your priorities
Whenever you’re trying to become consistent at something, odds are it’s something that requires a bit of work on your end. Before you are able to train your brain to always just be in the mood to get something done you have to set aside the time to do so. They say it takes 30 days to develop a habit, during those 30 days you shouldn’t just be doing something when you feel like it, set aside time and make it a priority.
When it comes to developing consistent habits it’s important to also remember that you can fall off the wagon. Hopefully when you start to get better at being more consistent you’ve built walls around your wagon so you never fall off, but my point is that you don’t have to start over every single time you miss a deadline, a goal weight or a yoga class.
So if you don’t have consistency in your life right now one thing that is consistent are my weekly lifestyle/business tips!
If you’re looking for something more, I talk about this in my “5 Ways To Avoid Burnout” ecourse. I’m giving away one of my business coaching session for only $7. Umm what. Yes. Start here and I promise you will have the right mindset to conquer anything. Use the code “MOVEOVERBURNOUT” upon checkout.
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I struggle so much with this, you have no idea!!
xo | Cindy
I struggle with trying to be consistent all the time and at times it stresses me out. Thank you for sharing these tips. I think tip number 2 is so important! I think we’re all guilty of trying to do too many things at once. I need to do pick my battles more often. By the way, I’m loving you pinky leggings. Hope you have a great week ahead!
xo, jackie
i think the hardest part for me is being consistent with engaging with readers and fellow bloggers. time is just not enough sometimes and it is so hard. but we all try to do our best 🙂
kisses from the sandpit ❤︎