Fashion Finesse


“Sometimes in the wind of change, we find our true direction” Maya Angelou once said, ” No Amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.” I find that quote so powerful. I often think about how many people I know that are working…

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“If you are persistent you will get it, if you are consistent, you will keep it.” Working hard or hardly working? I used to hate hearing people say that. As a #girlboss I do feel like I am always hard at work, but there are certain areas that I know I could push myself a…

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Consistency is key We’ve heard it time and time again, but why is it so hard to stay consistent? Life get’s in the way, we forget, we don’t have or make the time. The #1 reason why we can’t stay consistent is because we aren’t making it a priority. Whether you are a creativeprenuer, infopreneur,…

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