Today is my birthday, I am so lucky to be alive. I’ve loved, I’ve lost, I’ve endured and I’ve blossomed. I have shelter and I have food. I have a small family and I love them. I have an extended family of friends and I love them. Today I remember just how many great people I have in my life. I am so thankful for all of you, even the strangers that have stumbled upon this page… just now. Thank you.
I have a journal that I bought at Barnes and Noble a while back, and for the last three birthdays I’ve been writing in it on every October 2nd. I’m not home right now and I’m a little sad that I forgot to pack it but I decided to write my notes to myself here today instead.
I guess you could call this a 27 things I’ve learned in 27 years, but it’s more of a journal entry and it’s 27 things I finally told myself at 27.
It often starts like this…
Sunday Oct. 2nd 6:45 AM
1. Your parents will disappoint you, learn to forgive. It’s not something most adults talk about and it seems to be something that we think only affect children. Your story is a bit different. You’ve grown up with one parent most of your life. Your mother being a single parent in a new country always did the best she could to raise you and that meant making some sacrifices and decisions for both of you that you didn’t always like or understand, but you understand why now. Your father did what he thought was best at the time. Leave it at that, people make mistakes. Forgive them and let love in.
2. Love yourself first. People will come and go in your life, you will encounter what it feels like to be loved and whatever the complete opposite of that is. One (not the only) of the most important relationships you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Treat yourself right, because how you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
“Treat yo self 2011.” – Parks and Recreation
3. The truth may not always set you free but it’s important. Your truth is just as important as anyone else. Speak your truth even if it’s the un popular opinion. Speak your truth even if it hurts. Stay true to yourself and don’t let anyone take your voice away.
4. It’s okay to walk away from a friendship: If it no longer grows you or serves you, let it go. You’ve made friends with some pretty great people and some pretty not so great people. Surround yourself with people who will always have your best interest in mind, not only when it’s convenient for them. Bad friendships are poisonous and will ruin you over time.
5. If you’re faced with a no, a yes is right around the corner. Never give up on your hopes or dreams. If there’s a will there is a way, even if you have to make that way yourself.
6. Stay modest. Simple as that. Don’t be a B word, ever. Be proud of how far you’ve come but never forget where you came from.
7. Stop defending yourself when people question who you really are. You’re on this planet to live your fullest and best life. That does not include defending why you do the things you do. Draw a line when it comes to being a people pleaser because “You could be ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”
8. Don’t stop being you. You’re a little weird, quirky and definitely awkward. You are an ambivert and need alone time to re-energize but you also can work your way around a room. Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are, because your unique qualities brought you to where you are today. Also stop apologising for wanting to be alone that’s how you de-stress.
9. Organise the hustle. Working a 9-5, modeling, acting, social media-ing (instagramming, blogging, youtubing). Love the life you live and live the life you love. I’m definitely happy that you put no limitations on your life but don’t wear yourself out. Even if it’s “fun work”, take more time, okay take way more time to relax and when it all gets to be too much, figure out what you can say good-bye to, it doesn’t have to be forever but peace of mind is important.
10. Don’t let anyone walk all over you or treat your poorly. Demand answers, challenge the disrespect. Don’t just accept the things said to you and walk away or brush it off because you’re “nice”. It’s 2016 and people should know how to be a nice human. You always have power over yourself.
11. You are your worst enemy. Remember that next time you’re feeling “not good enough”. You are enough. You are enough. You are enough.
You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.- A.A Milne
12. Happiness is not something at the end of the rainbow. You can create your own happiness at anytime, anywhere, you don’t even need to wait for a good reason. I’ll be happy when I am 130lbs, get more youtube subscribers, land that big acting job, have X dollars in my savings account. I’ll be happy now.
13. Failure is always a learning opportunity. It really is.
14. Speak up. Speak up.
15. Floss more, dental health is important.
16. Stop touching your stomach. A little fat pouch never hurt anyone.
17. Eat the cake. Seriously eat it now. Om nom nom.
18. Travel more. Nothing is more magical than seeing someplace new for the first time. The world is so beautiful and to understand more of it you must see it yourself. Traveling and understanding come hand in hand. Understand more about the world. Stick to your once a year “go somewhere new” self pact. Four years strong. Don’t stop now.
19. Let it go. The idea of having the perfect body, the perfect hair, the room of makeup and clothes. Let it all go.
20. No is a complete sentence. Stick to that. No thank you, or no thanks I don’t want to is good enough. You don’t need to come up with reasons as to why you don’t want to do something.
21. Sometimes the hardest person to be honest with is yourself. Don’t cheat yourself. Work on what you need to work on but actually work on it. Write down your goals, make things happen. I don’t know isn’t good enough. I don’t know why I ______. (rewind noise) You know why, figure it out and make it better.
22. Keep putting coconut oil in your water and drinking apple cider vinegar. Your body will thank you. Trust me on this one.
23. Backup your iphone, back up your files back up dat a$$. Just back it up, better safe than sorry. Protect those mems.
24. Life rarely turns out the way we planned it. That’s okay! Or it should be. Start accepting that. You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into… alright maybe that Avril quote wasn’t perfect there but take what you get and turn it into something amazing. You planned for it, don’t let it get ruined because it’s just a little or a lot different.
25. Crying is okay. Heck it feels really good. Let those tears flow baby flow. Whenever you cry you get really sleepy after and naps are good therefore crying is good. Don’t be ashamed of it let it happen more often.
26. Stay fearless. Not much in life scares you, no project is too big, no risk is too risky. Thats good. There is so much of life to experience don’t be afraid to keep experiencing it.
27. You will be just fine. Maybe even more than fine. It will all work out, it always does.
End: 7:35 AM
Happy birthday! I enjoyed reading this post.
Thanks girl! 🙂
What an awesome post, happy belated!!!
Thank you! 🙂