“When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own habits, anything that kept me small. My judgment called it disloyal, now I see it as self-loving.” – Kim McMillan
Valentines Day is tomorrow. Thankfully I’m done with my whole30 and can indulge in some chocolate!
For some, it’s just another day in single town and for others, it’s a day to remind someone that you love them. [It’s not just a day for couples]. You’ve probably heard this time and time again, uh and you’ll hear it one more time from me, right now.
One of the most important relationships you’ll have is the one you have with yourself.
At the end of the day, you can’t rely on someone else to make you feel loved, worthy or important. You have to do those things for yourself. Easier said than done, I know, I know. I’ve had my fair share of struggles, still do, but what really helps me is this;
Be yourself:
Accept yourself for who you are. All your traits and innate little quirks. How can you expect others to accept you for who you are if you don’t? Don’t change for a person, for a job, for a role. In fact, don’t change for anything that makes you lose sight of your true self.
Now don’t get this mixed up with negativity and hurting others, that type of trait or quirk isn’t helpful to you or others so find a way to live your life in a more positive loving way.
Hurt people hurt people. Learn to love yourself and you’ll find that your relationships will drastically improve.
Love yourself:
This goes beyond feeling #blessed for having a good hair day. Loving yourself means controlling your thoughts so you can think nice things about yourself and eventually believe them. Don’t tell yourself that you’re ____. Did your mind fill in the gap with your insecurity? I hope not! But if it did tell yourself something nice right now.
Find Yourself:
This one hits really close to home for me. I’ve been in horrible relationships before, the kind where you don’t want to leave because you’re too comfortable. That is literally one of the worst things you can do for your overall psyche. When you lose yourself, you lose sight of your dreams and aspirations, you lose that part of you that makes you, you. If it no longer grows you or serves you let it go.
If anything, make sure you’re aligned with these three tips mentioned above. That is a great start to living a happy life and finding clarity. It was in a moment of loving myself that I found Lifestyle Finesse and look where it brought me today! I’m able to help other creatives build a life they love and live consciously.
If you enjoyed this post make sure you’re subscribed to my email list. I send out tips that help you build a better life and a better business every Monday. If that’s not for you, you can subscribe to my blog posts [side bar].
Happy Valentines Day, I hope you feel loved.
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Such a beautiful and well written post — just what I needed to hear! Thanks so much for this!
xo Anca
A Graceful Life Blog
Latest post —> http://www.agracefullife.net/spring-coat-blush-crush/
Thanks so much for reading! Aw yay! I love seeing that makes my day! xx
Love your outfit and your inspirational message about loving oneself. Have a great Monday doll. xoxo
❤ http://theblushingpink.com/
Happy Monday darling, thank you so much!
Thanks Amy! Happy Monday! 🙂
Such a great post! I agree: Self-love is so important! You are so inspirational!
Happy Monday, babe!
xoxo, Vanessa
Thanks so much Vanessa! Aww all the feels your support means the world to me! 🙂
you look so pretty, I love that colour on you
Your words were so touching and heartfelt. Thank you so much for sharing this post and being so inspiring.
victoria | http://www.thesoutherntrunk.com
Aww this comment made my day, thank you lovely! 🙂 <3
I totally agree with you – self love is the BEST kind of love and should be celebrated! Congrats on whole 30 too! Indulge babe, you deserve it !!! xx Shannon
Ah thank you so much! Feeling so guilty now because of course all I’ve been doing is indulging. xo
Aww such a beautiful post, I couldn’t agree more!! Love it! And I love that outfit, so gorgeous!
Chanté xo | http://www.chante-louise.com
Thank you thank you!!
What a gorgeous post & not to mention you look stunning babe!
XX-Samantha | chicserendipityblog.com
Blushing thanks so so much! 🙂
Loved your tips on loving yourself. So needed on a Monday! Have a great week 🙂
xo, Yasmin
Loved this post! So poignant on a Monday Morning
xo, Yasmin
What a wonderful post! Loving yourself is so important. It took me over 40 years to figure that out. 🙂 Love this look! I adore the color palette. Happy Valentine’s Day!
I love those OTK boots! I really want to start the Whole30 diet but I’m scared I won’t follow through. Did you enjoy doing it?
– xoxo, Azanique
Thank you!! Hey if you make it two weeks that’s better than nothing hun! I’d definitely suggest giving it a shot. I missed wine and sweet treats but the results are amazing!
Such an insightful post! I think self-love is easier to practice the older and more confident you become. I wish I had more self love in my 20’s. Beautiful outfit too!
April | http://thebluehydrangeas.com
This was great motivational post. Self love is so important…Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for sharing your voice and spirit! I am truly touched by this. You are beautiful too!
xo Debbie | http://www.tothineownstylebetrue.com
Hey hon, first of all- Woop! V Day is ooooooverrrrr! Have to say as a Single, yesterday was fine, I was actually happy-ish…a few of my gay male friends reached out to me which I wasn’t expecting so I was touched and also I am super busy preparing for an interview, learning German, this blog-ish…anyhoo, great tips on self love here and liking the tones of your outfit ( :
I absolutely love the color of that dress on you and pared with those taupe pieces, such a perfect color match! My husband and I have decided that moving forward, we’re no longer going to reserve Valentine’s Day just for us, rather the family, especially now that I’m pregnant with a little girl. So, last night he made dinner for both me and my step-daughter and it was wonderful. I think we should generalize the holiday to just celebrate love in general and it’s many forms because it singles people out, literally, and turns a nice holiday into something rather loathsome to some. Thanks for sharing these tips with us on practicing self love and acceptance, I couldn’t agree more with all you’ve shared. Have a great rest of the week, girlie!
love this post and your message! I totally agree!
A truly amazing post, I love what you wear, as I love delicate pastel outfits, you have an incredible talent & passion for creating truly amazing outfits. Thank you so much for inspiration.
This post is so sweet. I am loving this outfit. You always have such a way about you that is so inviting. I am always so interested in all your photos. You look so nice. Your pointers are also so good to hear.