When you stop and take a look around, life is actually pretty amazing. You woke up, you have clothes to wear, food to eat, love in your heart and if you so decide to surround yourself with good people ...
Main Content

Intuitive Success Coach, Actress/Model, Creative Soul


The power of a thought is something we underestimate all too often. It's so magical what happens when we learn to release the magic inside us and shine our light on others. One simple thought has the ...

Living a life of fulfillment and happiness seems so far away when it's Monday and you hate your job. The first time I started working from home, my relationship with Mondays changed #entreprenurlife. ...

Hi there!
My name is Jodi-Kay Edwards! My name falls under the life path number of 3. Personality traits of this life path are said to be creative and self-expressive. Which makes perfect sense because all of my hobbies involve creativity in one way or another. As a success coach, lifestyle blogger, content creator, model and actress my souls purpose is to inspire you to always live your best life. My goal is to inspire, innovate and evoke. What comes next for you determines how you interpret the content on this blog, but I promise it is always life changing. Change your mindset and you can change your world. LEARN MORE
Learn how to manifest, attract abundance and crush limiting beliefs with this freebie!
WOAH! Ever see people leading effortless lives and think to yourself, why can't I have that? Or wonder how you too can turn your dreams and desires into reality? Download my free guide to:
1. Free up energy and release tension in the body
2. Get crystal clear on visualizing your goals
2. Take inspired action
3. Learn to receive abundance from the universe
4. Learn how to get aligned and vibrate at a higher frequency so you can manifest and move out of your own way.
The inner work needs to be done before you can learn how to manifest effortlessly. Release the magic in you.

Work with Me
Tune into your intuition to crush limiting beliefs and learn the mindset and technology tools needed to build a successful business.